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Will I Need A Second Hip Replacement?

If you’ve already had a hip replacement or if you’re considering having one, you might be wondering if one day you’ll have to do it all over again. Luckily, for many people, a single hip replacement surgery is all they’ll ever need. Take the quiz below to find out if...

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Why you deserve a new hip for the holidays!

The holidays are coming, and you know what that means: cookie baking, grandkids, parties, shopping and more. Even if you have discovered the benefits of online shopping, there’s a good chance your life will be busier than usual. For someone with osteoarthritis of the...

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Who needs a hip replacement?

A hip replacement is generally considered when hip pain has reached a point where it is severely affecting a person’s mobility and ability to perform daily tasks. Your doctor will likely prescribe other, more conservative measures first. People who have hip...

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Hip replacement in your 80s and 90s

You’ve probably heard a story or two about the adult child who is concerned that their 80- or 90-something-year-old parent’s doctor is recommending a hip replacement. They feel their parent is too old to undergo major surgery. That it’s too dangerous. That it’s not...

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Anatomy of a Total Hip Replacement

Hip replacement is one of the most common orthopedic surgeries, with over 4000,000 procedures performed per year in the U.S. alone. Let’s take a look at the actual anatomy of a hip replacement, and how the implants themselves work. The Hip Joint Your natural hip joint...

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Reasons not to wait to get your hip replacement

Surgery is often considered a last resort treatment, right? If you can manage a condition with medication, or struggle through the pain, or make some significant lifestyle changes, you might cope with a health problem without having to go under the knife. That’s true...

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Hip Replacement

Should you consider a hip replacement? More people are than ever before, for a number of reasons. First of all, hip arthroplasty (hip replacement) techniques and technologies have improved significantly over the past 15 years. The prosthetics used are stronger and...

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Why We Love Joint Care (And You Should, Too!)

Have you been neglecting your joints? Most of us are guilty. However, when age, injury or arthritis threaten the normal use of our bodies, it becomes painfully obvious that we need to take care of our joints. How? Let us spell it out . . . Watch your weight. The more...

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Rheumatoid Arthritis

So you’ve been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. That can be a frightening thing, and you certainly have many questions. Let our Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Rheumatoid Arthritis help answer them. What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune...

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